Wednesday, August 22, 2012

packed up and oh so ready not to go

these are my bags all packed up to go back to college.  obviously there were many many more bags, but these were the ones conveniently riding in the backseat.  i think summer has been too good to me because i'm really not ready to go back to school.  funny some might say since i took summer classes.  but it's not the same, you know?  i would live forever barefoot, having bonfires, and spending time with my friends if i could.  summer has been too good to me.
but there is fall. autumn.
and that makes any homework or other college inconveniences (i miss you already kitchen and car!) not seem so bad... for fall is my favorite season. my absolute favorite.


  1. Ah fall is my favorite too. You can't go wrong!

  2. I agree with you and Alexa, Fall is my fav too. Good luck with school!
