Monday, April 30, 2012


Petting pets at petsmart.
Say that three times fast.

That is exactly what Adele and I did Sunday morning.
We really wanted to pet and hold little critters so we went to Petsmart.
However, all the animals were locked up, so...
we pretended to be potential adopters.

It all started when we wanted to hold one of the cats and the worker asked us
how long we had been thinking of adopting.  We answered that we had just started looking into it.  (hmm, like in the last five seconds?)
Somehow between the both of us, we seemed to answer all the rest of her questions as well.

So if you hear that Adele and I are in the market to adopt a cat, you'll know why.
However, we did get to pet a fluffy orange cat and hold a dwarf hamster.

Perhaps we would be better off adopting this guy?

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