We went out for breakfast today at Village Inn and had their
V.I.B. deal.
So much foooood!!
(Not that we're complaining. ;) )
I just realized that anyone who reads this blog
probably thinks all we do is eat...
which is only slightly true.
We do other things too!
Right now they are featuring an exhibit called "Fins and Feathers" and it houses the works of children's lit illustrators. Anyone who knows me knows I am a connoisseur of children's books, so to me the exhibit couldn't have been more fitting. Or exciting for that matter!
Eric Carle work was in
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? He has such a distinct art style of working with paper that was neat to see up close. Also, fun fact: when Spenser was little, he employed Eric Carle's methods of artistry to illustrate stories he wrote. Isn't that awesome? If you're curious as to both Eric Carle and Spenser created their pictures,
check this out! This artist is probably isn't quite as recognizable, but he's one of my favorites. I l-o-v-e
Arnold Lobel. If you haven't read
Owl at Home, go read it now! (Unfortunately the owl above is not thee Owl, yet they do have very similar visual characteristics.)
I don't have any pictures, but the exhibit also featured the works of another great-
Leo Lionni.
We then tried our hand at our own original artwork...
Bet you can't tell whose is whose! ;D