Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Civil War at the Old Capitol

On Friday, that day I roamed around, Spenser and I visited the Old Capitol.  I met up with him while he had a short break between classes and we walked through the Capitol's ongoing exhibit on The Civil War.  (note: this was not when I was late meeting up with him.  The wandering, losing track of time came later in the day. ;) )
The Old Capital changes exhibits every year.  The first year Spenser and I went they were featuring an exhibit on life in the 1960s and 1970s.  Boy was I in heaven!  I wanted to move into the replica of a college student's room.  It came complete with a typewriter, a Beatles poster, albums, a small tv and a peace jacket.  The second year we toured, they had an exhibit on corn.  Big surprise there! I mean it is Iowa after all.  The museum also has a few room displays that are constant that we always walk through.
As I said previously, this year's exhibit covered The Civil War and included artifacts and information about the soldiers' lives and deaths, the weapons used, and instruments played by battlefield musicians.  There was also a small section on Lincoln's assaination.  Within this section, was what I found one of the most interesting pieces of the exhibit: a real-life cast of Lincoln's hands.  They were huge!  I mean gigantic!
The pictures that follow the war-era weapons picture are scenes of the museum's permanent displays.  And lastly here is The Capitol's beautiful winding staircase.

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